Letter from CEO
Human Heritage Project was first established as a vehicle to carry hopes and awareness of issues which people had seen as we living in a world which underserving is a public issue and it existing among so many classes, societies, ethnicities, and cohorts. As I join my journey with HHP, I had not only see the negativity that need to be corrected but also positive value from variety of organizations and institutions which redefined the progress of bring changes to people day to day. I believe the vehicle of HHP now had been developed from a carrier into a connector. We working on build up platform to connect different groups to help them to have their voice be heard and dream to accomplish. Now, as the CEO of HHP I will turn our connector into conductor that generates action to guide the strength and power to the place where needed the most. Behind the original philosophy of HHP, I see the common value which rely on all of us to work together to understand, to feel and to achieve.
-Yifei Yin